Trauma Recovery Skills

When you've faced trauma, it can be hard to tell if your reaction is a gut instinct or a trauma response. Attachment trauma, especially, affects your ability to feel safe in relationships often resulting in self-sabotage.

Whether you experienced a toxic upbringing, neglect, or other traumas, your body remembers. This can lead to self-sabotage, even when you don't want it.

Learning Trauma Recovery skills helps break these cycles and helps you navigate relationships more securely.

Stop Sabotaging Relationships

  • Deconstructing Trauma

    Understand the Impact of Trauma, How to Identify Attachment Trauma Patterns, & Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Mindfulness Tools

    Throughout this course, the focus will be on:

    *Understanding trauma basics *Identifying trauma patterns *Learning tools to redirect reactive trauma responses

    The ultimate goal is to heal trauma cycles that may be affecting your relationships. The course aims to target defense mechanism patterns that lead to self-sabotage, such as:

    *Feeling unworthy *Reacting impulsively *Having dysfunctional boundaries in relationships


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  • Relationship Skills

    How to identify healthy relationships, How to identify toxic & abusive relationships, Boundary setting skills, Conflict resolution skills

    This part of the series aims to provide you with tools and skills to:

    *Build healthier relationships and navigate conflicts triggered by past traumas *Identify destructive relationships that may hinder your sense of security *Understand reasons for feeling stuck in relationships and equip you with tools for change

    The course also covers topics like:

    *Skills to identify healthy relationships, even without prior examples *Insight to recognize toxic and abusive relationships and address perpetuating behaviors *Conflict resolution skills, particularly through dialectical behavioral therapy techniques


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  • Emotion Regulation Skills

    How to identify emotions, Understand the impact of trauma on your emotions, Emotion regulation skills, How to stop sabotaging cycles, How to stay accountable

    This course aims to provide tools to break the cycle of trauma-related dysfunction and toxic relationships by developing emotion regulation skills.

    Key points covered in this course include:

    *Understanding and healing unresolved traumas for healthier relationships *Learning to face emotions in a safer and more effective way *Breaking the cycle of feeling broken and unlovable due to past traumas

    Throughout the course, participants will:

    *Identify and connect with emotions, especially those tied to past triggers *Learn Dialectical Behavioral Therapy emotion regulation skills like Check the Facts, Opposite Action, and ABC Please *Create a new wellness plan and develop self-soothing techniques for managing triggers


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  • Distress Tolerance Skills

    Understanding the impact of trauma on your nervous system, Types of trauma treatment, Distress tolerance skills, Mindful breathing tools

    The course aims to provide tools to help individuals calm their nervous system when triggered by past traumas. Trauma is described as an injury to the brain that impacts nervous system functioning, contributing to trauma responses that may affect safety and security in relationships.

    In this section, the goal is to reduce the likelihood of trauma responses by recalibrating the nervous system.

    Triggered thoughts and emotions can lead to fight or flight responses, especially in individuals who have never felt safe. Recalibrating the nervous system can make it easier to use skills learned in the course to break down trauma patterns.

    The course covers topics like:

    *Teaching how to identify trauma symptoms in the body *Reviewing different ways to treat trauma *Teaching DBT distress tolerance skills to address physical trauma reactions *Providing guidance on managing trauma responses and preventing their recreation


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